MRI Scans Reveal the Secret
of a Brain That Doesn’t Age

MRI Scans Reveal the Secret of a Brain That Doesn’t Age

Why do people like Warren Buffett, Clint Eastwood, and Carol Burnett continue to have amazing brain power into their 90s? Scientists think they’ve discovered the reason…

Do you ever forget a word in mid-conversation? Or struggle to recall someone’s name? Or walk into a room and then forget why you’re there?

For most people, growing older means experiencing more of these frustrating “senior moments.”

But have you noticed how some people don’t experience these problems?

Think of someone like Warren Buffett. At 93, he is still CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is still the chief stock picker. And he’s famous for not having a computer on his desk, preferring to do calculations in his head.

Or Clint Eastwood. At 93, he still acts and composes music and memorizes pages of dialogue… and he recently directed his 37th feature film.

Or Carol Burnett, who is 90. She got rave reviews for her recent role on Better Call Saul … which resulted in a viral campaign to get her to host Saturday Night Live. In addition to her acting schedule, she recently wrote a memoir, and just finished writing a children’s book.

Buffett, Eastwood, and Burnett are more active and vital than a lot of people half their age!

And it’s not just rich and famous folks who retain their mental prowess. You probably have a friend or relative in their 70s, 80s, or 90s whose mind is as sharp now as it was decades ago.

Why is that?

Do these people stay mentally young through a perfect diet and regular exercise? Did they win the genetic lottery? Is it plain old luck? Well…

As you’re about to see, a team of scientists at Northwestern University have discovered the number one reason some people stay sharp as a tack no matter their age.

It’s an amazing discovery. But what’s most amazing is how almost anyone can use this discovery to improve short and long-term memory, thinking speed, and focus - in as little as 30 days. And in the next few moments, you will discover how.

Solving The Mystery

Scientists at Northwestern University wanted to solve the mystery of why some people stay mentally sharp as they age.

To do that, they recruited a group of “SuperAgers” for a groundbreaking study. Scientists describe a SuperAger as a person over 80 who has the memory and brain power of someone decades younger.

For this study, scientists had the SuperAgers take a battery of challenging memory tests. Most older adults struggle with these tests, but the SuperAgers had no trouble. They breezed through them. Even though these SuperAgers were in their 80s and 90s, it’s as if their brains had forgotten to age.1

But why? And how can you use their secret to improve your own memory and brain function?

To answer that question, the scientists took MRI scans of these SuperAgers’ brains. And the scans revealed something amazing.

What The MRI Scans Revealed

After scanning each SuperAger’s brain, the scientists compared their scans to the scans of older adults with memory problems.

At first glance, the scans of the two groups looked very similar. Both had comparable brain weights. Both had neurofibrillary tangles.

In fact, the MRI scans revealed only one key difference between the brains of SuperAgers and normal older adults.

The SuperAgers had healthy microglia.

Microglia are tiny cells in your brain. They develop from the same group of stem cells that eventually become white blood cells. In a way, microglia are the white blood cells of your brain, protecting and repairing it.

But they’re much more than that, too. A growing body of research shows healthy microglia are the secret to having a brain that doesn’t age.2 For example:

  • Microglia create new synapses so you can think faster and better on your feet.
  • Microglia help grow new cells in the hippocampus, the “memory center” of your brain.
  • Microglia bathe sick neurons in protective chemicals, which helps you stay sharp and alert as you age.
  • And microglia foster the growth of myelin, a brain tissue that’s essential for learning and memory.

Simply put, microglia are one of the most important scientific discoveries of the 21st-century. These tiny cells play an enormous role in your brain’s health and function. And if you want to stay mentally sharp as you age, then you must have properly functioning microglia.


We know this because MRI scans show that SuperAgers and younger adults have almost identical microglia. Whereas the average older person has dysfunctional microglia. And dysfunctional microglia cause all sorts of problems for your brain and memory.

Instead of making protective chemicals that keep your brain and memories sharp… dysfunctional microglia spew inflammatory chemicals.

Instead of creating new synapses so you can think quickly on your feet… dysfunctional microglia shred your synapses to pieces.

In fact, studies show that dysfunctional microglia are the main cause behind almost every symptom of brain aging. Everything from relatively minor (but embarrassing) “senior moments” to full-blown cognitive decline.3

You may be wondering what causes dysfunctional microglia. Well, remember that microglia help protect your brain from threats like environmental toxins, pollution, food additives, and even stress.

Because you can’t escape or avoid these threats, your microglia must work around-the-clock. Over time, they grow tired and weary, and can become dysfunctional as a result.

If you have trouble concentrating, struggle to recall words, names, or appointments, and don’t feel as sharp as you used to, chances are you have dysfunctional microglia.

But here’s good news…

An Easy Way to Restore Microglia

Scientists set out to find a way to restore dysfunctional microglia. They scoured the scientific literature, and studied hundreds of nutrients shown to support brain health.

After painstaking analysis, scientists identified a handful of nutrients that specifically target microglia. They then tested these nutrients against each other and found one that worked better than all the rest at restoring healthy microglial function.

What is that nutrient?

It’s a potent antioxidant called luteolin. Studies show luteolin can restore dysfunctional microglia and make your brain perform like it did decades ago.4

Today, luteolin is being studied at places like Harvard, UCLA, and MIT. It’s the one brain health nutrient that seems to have everyone excited!

In one study, scientists fed a group of aged mice with dysfunctional microglia either a luteolin-rich diet or a control diet. After 4 weeks, the mice were put in a water maze. They had to swim through this maze to find a hidden exit.

The mice being fed the control diet became confused and struggled to finish the maze. But the mice on the luteolin-rich diet easily found the exit. Not only that, they also grew new neurons in their brains. Their sex drive and performance got stronger. And their dysfunctional microglia started functioning properly again.

According to the scientists who conducted this study, luteolin “restored the memory and brain function in 2-year-old mice to that found in 4-month-old mice.” That would be like giving an 80-year-old person the brain of someone in their 40s!5

What’s amazing about luteolin is that it’s one of the few nutrients that can cross the blood-brain barrier. So it actually gets into your brain. That’s how it can restore dysfunctional microglia and make your brain think and feel decades younger.

And luteolin also…

Protects Your Brain From the Ravages of Inflammation

Dysfunctional microglia cause brain inflammation. This inflammation can make your thoughts and memory blurry. It can rattle your ability to focus and perform tasks. And it can make your mind go blank when you’re trying to remember a word or name.

Fortunately, studies show luteolin cools inflammation and helps you enjoy better brain function.

In one study, scientists exposed microglia to a toxin. The microglia reacted by triggering inflammation that scorched surrounding brain cells, killing them instantly.

After conducting this first experiment, scientists repeated it, but with a twist. This time, before adding the toxin, they treated the microglia with luteolin. Result: the microglia treated with luteolin didn’t trigger as much inflammation, and the surrounding brain cells survived.6

Brain Pain

In another study, scientists fed a group of rats an inflammatory toxin. They fed another group of rats a combination of this inflammatory toxin and luteolin. After 17 days, the scientists made both groups of rats complete a water maze. And the scientists were astonished by what happened next.

The rats fed luteolin completed the maze nearly three times faster than the rats that did not receive luteolin. What’s more, the rats fed luteolin had far less inflammation in their hippocampus, the part of the brain used for memory and learning.7

When I saw everything luteolin can do, I knew I had to get it to my patients and readers. So I worked with my friends at Advanced Bionutritionals to create a comprehensive memory formula that contains luteolin. It’s called Advanced Memory Formula.

Advanced Memory Formula gives you the right amount of luteolin to restore dysfunctional microglia… protect your brain from inflammation… and sharpen your memory and focus.

“In 60 days, it made me less forgetful…”

“I am 94 years young and I have been using Advanced Memory Formula for 60 days. It has made me less forgetful and less nervous. It has also made my moods more stable. And it has made my thinking sharper. Thanks for a wonderful product.”

– Allen L. Jones, Royersford, PA

But luteolin is just one of the ways Advanced Memory Formula supports your brain. Now let me tell you about another nutrient you get in this formula that can dramatically improve how your brain functions.

The Brain-Boosting Secret of Chess Grandmasters

If you’re like most people, you associate the game of chess with intelligence. And no wonder. Even a casual game of chess requires focus, memory, and problem solving skills.

But playing chess at the Grandmaster level is far more difficult and demands immense brain power. To show you what I mean, consider chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen.

In a recent interview on the TV show 60 Minutes, Carlsen said he’s memorized a staggering 10,000 chess games. Think of your favorite sports team. Imagine the kind of memory you’d need to be able to recall every play and outcome of 10,000 games!

Just as amazing, Grandmaster Garry Kasparov – one of the few chess players to ever defeat Magnus Carlsen, in fact – can see dozens of moves ahead while he’s playing. In effect, Kasparov has memorized so many moves, and all the ways an opponent could react to those moves, he can “see the future” at a chessboard.

How do they do it? Well, both Kasparov and Carlsen credit much of their awesome brain power to physical exercise. That’s right, exercise.


Garry Kasparov starts his day with a long bike ride, followed by laps in the pool, before settling down to work at the chessboard. And Magnus Carlsen takes his exercise so seriously, he hired Olympic trainers to help create his workout regimen.

We’ve known for a long time that physical exercise is good for brain power and memory. And now we know why. It’s because exercise increases your brain’s production of something called “brain derived-neurotrophic factor”, or BDNF.8

BDNF is the master molecule that builds and maintains the infrastructure in your brain. This infrastructure is a complex network of cells, called neurons, that your brain uses to communicate with itself and the rest of your body. The richer and more expansive this infrastructure is, the more active your brain cells are. And the more active your brain cells, the sharper your memory and the faster you learn new things.9

For the longest time, scientists believed that adult brains couldn’t grow new brain cells. But thanks to pioneers like Nobel-Prize-Winning neuroscientist Dr. Eric Kandel, we now know the adult brain is flexible, not fixed. You can grow new brain cells in your 70s, 80s, 90s, and beyond. And BDNF is like “fertilizer” that grows new brain cells that can enhance your memory, learning, thinking, and more. Here’s how we know…


Grow New Brain Cells At Any Age

In a recent study, scientists sprinkled BDNF on neurons in a petri dish. They were stunned by what happened next. Immediately, these neurons came alive and started sprouting new branches.

What’s most exciting is that these neurons weren’t sprouting new branches willy-nilly. Instead, they began producing the same brain infrastructure required for learning.10


But could this laboratory study apply to people in the real world? To answer that question, a team of scientists ran a fascinating study.

First, the scientists drew blood from a group of volunteers to measure their BDNF levels. They then had these volunteers watch a slideshow that showed the faces and names of strangers. A little while later, the scientists quizzed each volunteer on the new names they’d just learned.

The results were clear: the volunteers who remembered the most names, by far, were those who had the highest BDNF levels!

In another study, scientists found that people with high BDNF levels learn new words 20% faster. And another study found that higher BDNF levels can reduce your risk of cognitive decline by one third!11

If you want to regain your mental edge and boost your ability to learn new things, BDNF can help you do that. And BDNF can also boost your memory, especially your working memory.

BDNF Helps You Stay Mentally Switched On For Life

You use working memory when you need to remember a phone number, a shopping list, or the name of someone you recently met. You also use it for making quick decisions and for complex tasks like driving.

If you’ve ever forgotten where you left your car keys or why you walked into a room, you’ve felt the effects of a fading working memory. As you age, memory problems like these become common. But you can make them a thing of the past by boosting your BDNF levels. This was shown in a recent study in Sweden.12

For this study, a group of scientists first measured BDNF levels of 367 older men and women. Then, they asked these participants to complete something called a Trail Making Test.

In this test, you draw a line between 24 consecutive circles that are randomly arranged on a page. The tricky part is, these circles alternate between numbers and letters. So you’re required to switch between letters and numbers as you race to finish the test as quickly as possible.

Because the Trail Making Test forces you to keep track of a lot of new information, it’s a great way to measure working memory. Government officials also use this test to help decide if an older adult should be allowed to keep their driver’s license.

In the Swedish study, participants with the highest BDNF levels whizzed through the Trail Making Test in an average of 110 seconds. Meanwhile, it took nearly twice that long for participants with lower BDNF levels to finish.

And there’s more. The scientists also took MRI scans of each participant’s brain to see if BDNF affects brain volume. It does. Participants with higher BDNF levels had greater brain volume and less shrinkage than participants with lower BDNF levels.

I’m not surprised. Remember, BDNF is like fertilizer that helps you grow new brain cells. So it makes sense that more BDNF means a bigger, healthier brain. And if you want a steel-trap memory and lightning quick recall that’s always there when you need it, you want your brain to produce more BDNF. The more the better!

Unfortunately, your brain produces less BDNF as you age. And that can create all sorts of problems.

As your BDNF levels drop, your brain doesn’t make as many new cells. Fewer new cells means brain shrinkage, fading memory, trouble concentrating, and all the lifestyle problems that come with it.13

But that doesn’t have to be you. You can flood your brain with 143% MORE BDNF – in as little as 60 minutes! Here’s how…

Boost Your BDNF Levels By an Astounding 143% in 1 Hour Flat!

We know vigorous exercise boosts BDNF levels. But many people aren’t able to exercise as often as they know they should. So a team of scientists wanted to see if it’s possible to boost BDNF levels without exercise.

To find out, this group of scientists conducted a study on coffee fruit. Why coffee fruit? Well, coffee fruit is where we get coffee beans, and we know coffee boosts mental performance.

For this study, the scientists first did a blood test on a group of volunteers to measure their BDNF levels. Then, they gave half of the volunteers a caffeine-free extract from coffee fruit, and half a placebo. An hour later, the scientists did a second blood test on all the volunteers.

When the scientists reviewed the results of the second blood test, they could hardly believe their eyes: People who took the coffee fruit extract increased their BDNF levels by 143% – in just 1 hour!14

Coffee Fruit

The scientists conducting this study had never seen anything like this before. Finally, there was a way for anyone to quickly and easily boost their BDNF levels! They named this breakthrough discovery NeuroFactor.

NeuroFactor is made from the fruit of the coffee plant Coffea Arabica. But it’s completely caffeine-free so it won’t make you feel wired and jumpy. What it will do is quickly flood your brain with more BDNF. And you’ll feel mentally sharper and more focused as a result.

NeuroFactor is the first and only natural compound that’s been shown in studies to dramatically increase BDNF levels. And a single serving of Advanced Memory Formula gives you 100mg of NeuroFactor, the same therapeutic dosage used in studies.

On top of that, NeuroFactor is such a potent antioxidant that just one gram gives you the same free radical fighting powers as 625 grams of fresh blueberries… 974 grams of strawberries… 1,230 grams of raspberries… or 2,030 grams of grapes!

That’s based on measurements done by the USDA’s Center for Aging at Tufts University. And it underlines why NeuroFactor is such a powerful way to protect your brain from aging.

“I’ve regained my confidence…”

“I’m a 72 year old singer-songwriter still playing live shows. I was starting to forget lyrics, chord progressions, etc. on stage so I ordered Advanced Memory Formula and have been taking it for 2-3 weeks. I DO notice a difference in my memory power and my thinking power! Thanks to Advanced Memory Formula my confidence is back.”

– Jon G., Ventura, CA

If Advanced Memory Formula only included NeuroFactor and the luteolin I told you about earlier, I’m confident it would deliver amazing results for you.

But we’re just getting started! I set out to formulate what, I believe, is the most comprehensive brain health formula available today. One that addresses all the root causes of your memory problems – at once!

So in addition to NeuroFactor and luteolin, Advanced Memory Formula includes a third nutrient that can help make embarrassing “senior moments” a thing of the past.

To show you how it works, let me introduce you to a 103-year-old scientist whose mind is as sharp today as it was decades ago.

Your Youthful Brain

At 103 years old, Dr. Brenda Milner is busier than most people half her age.

Every day, Dr. Milner walks to her office at the prestigious Montreal Neurological Institute where she conducts research, writes papers, and gives lectures about memory and the brain.

But Dr. Milner isn’t just busy, she’s also brilliant. She’s the scientist who made the revolutionary discovery that memories form in a part of the brain called the hippocampus. And in order for your hippocampus to form memories that last a lifetime, you need an ample supply of acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is a chemical messenger, also called a neurotransmitter, required for memory and recall. If you think of your brain as a library, and your memories as books in this library, acetylcholine is like a staff of librarians busy storing memories and quickly retrieving them when you need them.15

You need acetylcholine so you can recall the name of someone you haven’t seen in a while… find your misplaced glasses or car keys… or keep a conversation on track.

Problem is, as early as age 40 your acetylcholine levels start to drop. And by the time you reach your 60s, they can be in free fall. In fact, a tell-tale symptom of low acetylcholine levels are “senior moments” like forgetting why you went into the other room.

One way to boost your acetylcholine levels is by taking a choline supplement. Choline is the building block your brain needs to make acetylcholine. Does that mean you should run to the nearest health food store and stock up on choline supplements? Well, not exactly. You see, there are two major problems with choline supplements.


First, choline is difficult for your body to break down and use, especially as you get older. And second, choline has a strong fish smell and can even cause a fishy body odor.

That’s why I recommend a better form of choline that’s odorless and easy for your body to digest and absorb. What’s more, unlike other forms of choline, it can cross the blood-brain barrier. So it goes right to work in your brain where you need it most.

Best of all, it works fast. Most people feel its brain-boosting effects within an hour of taking it.

Improves Mental Clarity, Memory, and Brain Power Almost Instantly!

What is this special form of choline? It’s called alpha-glycero-phosphocholine, or Alpha-GPC for short. I included an ideal amount in Advanced Memory Formula.

When you take alpha-GPC, your brain starts pumping out acetylcholine almost instantly. Result: Your mind feels crisp and clear, your memory sharp and vivid, and you can kiss “senior moments” goodbye!

Over 20 clinical trials involving more than 4,000 patients with symptoms of cognitive decline have shown what alpha-GPC can do. It can improve memory, increase alertness, and boost learning, while protecting the brain against future decline at the same time.16


In one of these clinical trials, patients with severe cognitive decline were given either alpha-GPC or a placebo. After 6 months, the patients who received the placebo showed no improvement. And some of them actually got worse. But it was a completely different story for the patients who received alpha-GPC.

Within 90 days, these patients improved ALL symptoms of their cognitive decline. They improved their verbal fluency, attention span, reaction time, and even their coordination and movement. As you can imagine, these people and their families were thrilled.

The beautiful thing about alpha-GPC is that it doesn’t care why you have memory issues. It doesn’t care if it’s age, or “bad genes”, or bad luck. It goes into your brain and goes to work.

In Europe, doctors routinely prescribe alpha-GPC to improve their patients’ brain health and performance.

But in America, it can be difficult to find potent, high-quality alpha-GPC, like the kind used in clinical trials. I’m thrilled to offer alpha-GPC, in the proper dosage, in Advanced Memory Formula.

And it’s not just your brain that gets a “young-again” boost from alpha-GPC.

Advanced Memory Formula Addresses All the Root Causes of Your Memory Problems - at Once!

Luteolin: Blocks inflammation in the brain region where memories are formed and stored. Increases nerve growth factor (NGF) and helps protect against brain shrinkage.

NeuroFactor: Boosts BDNF and helps rebuild a healthier, younger brain.

Alpha-GPC: Replenishes acetylcholine. Speeds up your thinking and reaction. Plus improves your focus and attention span.

PS: Supercharges mental performance by 44%. Stops stress-related memory problems. And cuts 12 years off your brain age.

ALC: Gives your brain more energy. Works even if you're over 100 years old.

Blueberry: Fends off free radicals and scrubs away brain rust.

Bacopa: Improves your recall and learning abilities.

Lecithin: Prevents fat build-ups in your brain. Reduces senior moments by half.

Ginkgo: Increases blood flow and oxygen to your brain and protects against dangerous tau tangles.

Calcium: Helps form memories.

Phosphorus: Helps maintain healthy brain wiring, so you feel quicker on your feet.

Alpha-GPC Makes Your Body Feel More Youthful, Too!

Wouldn’t it be marvelous to have the wisdom and experience of age while still maintaining a youthful body. Well, that’s what happens when you get your body to make more growth hormone.

As you may know, growth hormone is a substance that helps the body grow and develop. It’s made by the pituitary gland, a tiny gland in your brain.

You produce the most growth hormone during puberty, which makes sense considering how much growth and development happens then. But by the time you reach middle age, your growth hormone production slows to a trickle. And it continues to decline every year.

An older adult who has too little growth hormone can have symptoms like fatigue, decreased muscle mass, weakness, and low (or no) sex drive. As well as brittle bones and stubborn, unwanted fat, especially around the waist.

These are serious problems. So scientists have been searching for natural ways to increase human growth hormone production. Scientists know alpha-GPC helps the brain make more acetylcholine. Could it help the brain make more human growth hormone, too?

To find out, a team of scientists recruited a group of younger and older volunteers. First, they did a blood test for each volunteer to measure their growth hormone levels. They then had each volunteer take alpha-GPC. After one hour, the scientists did a second blood test and the results were thrilling.

After taking alpha-GPC, every person in the study started making more human growth hormone. But here’s the best part: the alpha-GPC was most effective with the older volunteers. In other words, the older you are, the better alpha-GPC can work at boosting your growth hormone production.17

This is exciting news because we know boosting growth hormone production can help give older adults sturdier bones… leaner, stronger muscles… more energy and physical stamina… and a stronger, healthier heart.

Advanced Memory Formula is primarily a brain health formula. But because it contains 250 mg alpha-GPC as a key ingredient, one “side effect” for many people who take it is a stronger, more energized body.

“More energy and focus in two weeks…”

“I have been taking Advanced Memory Formula for two weeks and have noticed an increase in energy and focus. I am a pharmacist. I am 60 years old. I had been feeling very tired at the end of my 10 hour work day. Now, not only do I finish my shift without feeling tired, but I have energy to do some farm work when I get home.”

– Barbara M., Des Moines, IA

I’ve shown you three innovative nutrients that are on the leading edge of brain health today. Next, let me tell you about an ancient memory mystery and the Nobel-Prize-winning scientist who solved it.

It’s a remarkable story, especially if you’d like to unlock more of your brain’s potential for learning and memory.

How a Nobel-Prize-Winning Scientist Solved an Ancient Memory Mystery

Imagine being able to recite every verse of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, from memory, without pausing. Or every word of Shakespeare’s 38 plays and 154 sonnets. That would be an astounding feat of memory! But believe it or not, it pales in comparison to the memory feats of the ancient Rishi.

Long before the written word, people passed down history and traditions by publicly reciting epic poems. And no one was better at this than the Rishis, who could recite hours of poetry from memory.

One of these poems, the Mahabharata, took several weeks to recite in full. When it was finally written down thousands of years later, it contained nearly 2 million words. It’s the longest poem ever written. Yet, the Rishis could recite it word-for-word from memory!

How did the Rishis do it? Legend has it, they relied on a mysterious herb called “Brahmi”, better known as bacopa monnieri.

Bacopa Monnieri

Not long ago, a Nobel-Prize-Winning scientist named Robert Furchgott took interest in bacopa monnieri. Dr. Furchgott had heard the stories of how the Rishis used bacopa to supercharge their memory, and he wanted to find out if there was any truth to the legend.

Dr. Furchgott started by giving bacopa to rats in various studies. The results were impressive. After receiving bacopa, the rats were more alert, learned new tasks in less time, and had stronger memory. He then gave bacopa to human volunteers. And the results were even more impressive.

In one study, people who took bacopa reduced the time they needed to learn a new task by nearly half. Imagine being able to learn a new task – a game or new hobby, perhaps; or a tricky task at work – in HALF the time. In another study, people who took bacopa daily improved their memory, learned tasks more quickly, and processed information faster. And another study found that bacopa improves memory and recall in people over age 55.18, 19

After thousands of hours of intensive study, Dr. Furchgott discovered two things about bacopa:

First, he discovered that bacopa works like nothing else to relax blood vessels, which allows more blood flow to the brain.

Second, he discovered that bacopa increases nitric oxide levels in your body. And this sends more oxygen and nutrients to your brain, so your brain has more “fuel” to perform at the highest levels.

Like Dr. Furchgott, I’m a big fan of bacopa monnieri. Advanced Memory Formula gives you the right amount and form of bacopa in every serving. So you don’t miss out on the amazing benefits of this brain-enhancing plant.

8 More Brain-Boosting Miracles to Give You the Sharper Memory and Vibrant Lifestyle You Deserve!

So far, I’ve told you about four clinically proven brain nutrients. If Advanced Memory Formula contained only these four nutrients, it would be worth its weight in gold.

But to ensure Advanced Memory Formula is the most comprehensive formula available today, we’ve also included eight more nutrients that can work miracles on your memory and brain. You also get:

Memory-Boosting Miracle #5: The Fat That Erases 12 Years Off Your Brain Age

Thanks to a special kind of fat called PS (phosphatidylserine), you can erase 12 years off your brain age! This was shown in a groundbreaking Stanford study. In the study, Stanford scientists gave a group of volunteers in their sixties PS daily for three months. At the start of the study, the volunteers were suffering from memory loss and fuzzy thinking.

But after just three months taking PS, their memory was much sharper and more reliable. Not only that, but every single volunteer who took PS improved their ability to learn and recall new information. They improved their ability to focus and concentrate. They improved their ability to reason and solve problems, and even their ability to communicate!

But here’s the most amazing thing. While the average age of these volunteers was 64, the study results showed they had the brain power of age 52. It’s like their brains had travelled back in time to when they were smarter. 20

If you want a brain that thinks and feels younger no matter your age, then PS is a must. Trouble is, your body makes less PS as you get older. And it’s difficult to get enough PS from diet, because it’s not found in most foods.

That’s why we included 150 mg of PS in Advanced Memory Formula. And we use a PS complex that’s easily absorbed by your body so you’ll feel it working sooner.

But we didn’t stop there. We also included an ingredient that studies show makes PS even more effective…


Memory-Boosting Miracle #6: The Nutrient That Improves Balance and Movement by 30%

Lecithin is a nutrient that transports fat. And remember, PS is a type of fat. So combining PS and lecithin can help get more PS into your brain, and it can amplify the benefits, too. That’s what scientists proved in a recent study.

In the study, scientists gave a group of older volunteers either a placebo or a combination of PS and lecithin. What the scientists discovered was that the group taking the PS and lecithin had significantly better memory after just three months. They had a brighter, sunnier mood. And they ran circles around the placebo group on memory, language, and learning tests. But that’s not all.21

Because in addition to being a perfect partner for PS, lecithin delivers its own benefits, too. One study found that older folks who take lecithin cut their “senior moments” in HALF! What’s more, lecithin also supports the parts of your brain that control motion and senses. Studies show lecithin can improve your balance and movement by a remarkable 30%!

And this is why we included 100 mg of lecithin along with 150 mg of PS in Advanced Memory Formula. We also included…


Memory-Boosting Miracle #7: The Brain Pick-Me-Up That Works Even For 100-Year-Olds

If your brain ever feels foggy or sluggish, meet Dr. Bruce Ames. Dr. Ames is a renowned biochemist who discovered how a certain nutrient can dramatically energize your brain. The nutrient is called acetyl-l-carnitine, or ALC for short.

ALC energizes your brain by repairing mitochondria, the “powerhouses” of your cells. Healthier mitochondria means a brain that feels faster and more invigorated. This was shown in a remarkable study.

In this study, patients over 100 years old took ALC daily. These patients all had significant memory problems. Plus, they also suffered from fatigue and muscle weakness. But after taking ALC for six months, something amazing happened.

The patients not only improved their memory and language skills, but they also had more energy, stronger muscles, and less body fat.22 Imagine: If ALC works this well for 100-year-olds with serious mental and physical decline… picture what it will do for you! And you get a therapeutic 250 mg dosage of ALC with every daily serving of Advanced Memory Formula. You also get…


Memory-Boosting Miracle #8: The Plant Extract That Sharpens Your Memory In 1 Week

You may be familiar with ginkgo biloba. This potent plant extract has been used for thousands of years by traditional healers to improve circulation, heart health, and memory. Now, modern studies confirm it can boost memory and cognitive performance, while also protecting neurons and brain tissue from future deterioration.

In fact, in a landmark study, patients who took ginkgo biloba saw their memory improve – in as little as a week! While those who took a placebo continued to get worse.23

If you’ve tried ginkgo biloba in the past and were disappointed, there’s a good reason why. To be effective, ginkgo biloba extracts must be standardized to contain 24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpenes.

Unfortunately, many ginkgo biloba products on the market aren’t standardized. Either because the manufacturers don’t know, don’t care, or both. But Advanced Memory Formula contains 80 mg of standardized ginkgo biloba. So you’ll feel it working fast.

And even if you did find a supplement with standardized ginkgo biloba, you’d still be missing out on the 11 other brain-boosting nutrients you get with Advanced Memory Formula. Like this one…

Ginkgo Biloba

Memory-Boosting Miracle #9: The Berry That Stops Your Brain From Rusting

Did you know iron is the most abundant metal in your brain? This is both good and bad. It’s good because your brain needs iron to make neurotransmitters, to protect neurons, and to help power mitochondria. But it's bad because iron rusts. Picture an old car abandoned in a field. After sitting there for years, exposed to oxygen in the air, what happens? The car starts to rust, right? Well, something similar is likely happening in your brain right now.

Because your brain possesses such high levels of iron, and also requires lots of oxygen, it’s highly susceptible to “brain rust”. And like a car slowly consumed by rust, this brain rust eats away at your nerve cells. It shuts down neurotransmitters. And it snuffs out precious memories.


That’s why antioxidants are so important. Antioxidants are compounds that can stop and reverse the damage caused by brain rust. And according to the USDA, blueberries have the highest levels of antioxidants compared to over 40 other common fruits and vegetables. Thanks to this, blueberries can scrub away brain rust and help protect your memories. But that’s not the only reason to get excited about this brilliant berry.

Because on top of being an outstanding source of antioxidants, blueberries are also rich in a compound called pterostilbene (pronounced “ter-oh-still-bean”). Research shows pterostilbene has the amazing ability to “switch on” the genes that promote a sharper memory. And the ability to switch OFF the genes that accelerate brain aging and mental decline.25

That’s why I made sure Advanced Memory Formula includes 125 mg of concentrated blueberry extract to help you safeguard your memory and fend off free radicals. In addition to blueberry, Advance Memory Formula contains two more vital brain nutrients…

Memory-Boosting Miracle #10: The Mineral That Builds a Strong Memory

You know you need calcium to form strong bones. But did you know you need it to form memories, too? It’s true! Indeed, a study of 6,000 older men and women found that having low calcium levels can lead to memory loss and confusion.

That’s worrisome. Because researchers at Yale University conducted a massive nationwide study and found that Americans may not be getting enough calcium from their diets. That’s why Advanced Memory Formula gives you the perfect amount of calcium to support brain function. In addition to calcium, there’s another mineral your brain needs…


Memory-Boosting Miracle #11: The Overlooked 3-In-1 Brain Health Remedy

Phosphorus is an often overlooked mineral that supports your brain health in three vital ways. First, phosphorus repairs brain cell membranes for optimal brain function. Second, it maintains strong brain wiring, so your brain can communicate with the rest of your body. And third, it energizes your brain, giving you quicker thinking and more mental power.26

Altogether, you get 11 brain health nutrients in every easy-to-swallow tablet of Advanced Memory Formula. And each one is clinically shown to help give you a stronger memory and healthier brain.

I’ve shown you the science and studies behind the nutrients in Advanced Memory Formula. But maybe you’re wondering, “How well does it work in real life?”


Let me tell you about Larry S. from Massachusetts. Larry was worried because his memory was slipping, and he kept forgetting words and names. So he decided to try Advanced Memory Formula. Result? In just two weeks, his memory was significantly sharper. Now Larry remembers words and names with ease. And he told me he’s thrilled to feel younger again.

Then there’s Gail B. from Virginia. At 52, Gail is always searching for ways to improve her memory and keep her mind sharp for the long haul. She exercises regularly and sticks to a strict diet. But Gail wanted to do even more. So she added Advanced Memory Formula to her brain health regimen. And she was so impressed by the boost in clarity, focus, and memory she reordered more bottles.

And then there’s Diana S. from Montana. Diana is 76 and she was recently elected mayor of her town. She worried that her memory lapses and sluggish thinking were stopping her from doing a good job as mayor. So when Advanced Memory Formula arrived at her house, she was eager to try it. Before long, Diana noticed major improvements. Now she’s able to think clearly and make better decisions. And she feels younger and more energized, too.

These stories represent a tiny fraction of the folks enjoying better memory and a more active, independent lifestyle thanks to Advanced Memory Formula.

Here are a few more success stories.

Here’s How Advanced Memory Formula Is Helping Men and Women Just Like You!

“In 7 days, it improved my concentration…”

“Before taking Advanced Memory Formula, I would go to get something and then I would forget what I was after. Seven days after taking Advanced Memory Formula this cleared up. I can also concentrate longer. Thank you!”

– Daniel L., Austin, TX

“I’ve re-joined my church group…”

“I’ve used Advanced Memory Formula for about three weeks now. Since then I have improved recall during conversations, which allows me to become more engaged as I am not "groping" for words I used to forget. Thanks so much for helping me. I live alone and being able to carry on a conversation is very important to me. I have re-joined my church group as I am more alert and confident.”

– Mary N., Mt. Pleasant, SC

“Now the younger adults ask me for help…”

“I have been taking Advanced Memory Formula for two weeks and have noticed an increase in energy and focus. I am a pharmacist. I am 60 years old. I had been feeling very tired at the end of my 10 hour work day. Now, not only do I finish my shift without feeling tired, but I have energy to do some farm work when I get home.”

– David N., Guntersville, AL

"87-years-old and still teaching college classes"

“I’ve been taking Advanced Memory Formula for several years, and it has kept my memory sharp. When I see advertisements for other memory supplements, I always check the ingredients . . . and they never have the unbeatable combination that’s in Advanced Memory Formula. I will be 87 years old in June and am still teaching at the university level.”

– Carol P., Endicott, NY

"Better recall of names, dates, song names, and more!"

“My wife and I have been taking Advanced Memory Formula for about three weeks and have noticed some pleasing results. Both of us experience better recall of names, dates, song names, movie titles etc. We both feel more energized too, which is quite welcome. So far we are both impressed.”

– Eric I.

“Still keeping up with the kids at work…”

“A Co-worker recommended Advanced Memory Formula to me years ago. I noticed immediate results and have recommended it to many others. I’ll never be without it. I’m 67 yrs old now. Two promotions in corporate roles over the past three years and still keeping up with the kids at work!”

– Laurie K., Mesa, AZ

“Absolutely amazing…”

“After two weeks of taking Advanced Memory Formula “something” suddenly turned back on in my mind. I am a 63 year old registered nurse, and am having a hard time believing how Advanced Memory Formula has worked so well for me and so quickly.

“I suddenly remembered names, dates, and events easily. My mind fog lifted and the sun came out again. I even remembered my home address and telephone number from 1965. Literally, it turned my brain back on, and made me “me” again. My mood changed and I began planning to run and rollerblade again (something I gave up 20 years ago). I am planning a trip to the Amazon Jungle in the future.

“I never plan to retire or get a rocking chair. Why should I? I may take up skydiving instead. Truthfully, Advanced Memory Formula has literally turned my entire life around. I am truly amazed and exceptionally happy. Thank you.”

– Jonathan M, Glendale, CA

Right now, Advanced Memory Formula is helping tens of thousands of men and women reclaim their memory and life. Ready to join the fun? You can order Advanced Memory Formula 100% RISK FREE below or by calling toll-free 1-800-791-3395.

Advanced Memory Formula Supplement Facts

Now It’s Your Turn…

Old People

If you’re like most of my patients, you’ve worked hard your whole life. You enjoy your current lifestyle and you don’t want to be forced to change it because of memory problems. And now you don’t have to!

You can get your memory back and keep your mind sharp no matter your age. You can reverse decades of brain aging by rebalancing your microglia. You can stop brain shrinkage in its tracks by building new brain cells. And you can flood your brain with fresh neurotransmitters for better recall and learning.

Imagine how great it will feel to enjoy life without forgetfulness, brain fog, or embarrassing “senior moments”.

You won’t have to worry about forgetting names… or losing a word mid-conversation… or wondering where you left your keys or cell phone.

Imagine how great it will feel to have instant access to facts, figures, and memories stored in your brain.

You’ll feel your brain working quickly again… you’ll regain your edge in crossword puzzles and card games… and you’ll have no trouble keeping up with conversations and friendly debates.

Imagine the peace-of-mind you’ll feel knowing you’re protecting your brain and memory. That’s one of the best feelings in the world. And that’s what you’ll get with Advanced Memory Formula.

I guarantee it.

100% Satisfaction “Down-to-the-Last-Pill” Money-Back Guarantee

I’ve been a practicing medical doctor for over 40 years. And in all that time, I’ve never seen anything that supports memory and brain health quite like Advanced Memory Formula. I stand by this amazing formula. In fact, I guarantee Advanced Memory Formula two ways:

GUARANTEE #1: YOU WILL see an improvement in your memory in as little as 3 weeks. Guaranteed or your money back.

GUARANTEE #2: YOU WILL continue to see dramatic improvements to your memory, focus, thinking speed, and more after 3 weeks. That’s because Advanced Memory Formula delivers lasting, long-term results.

I believe you’ll be thrilled by your results with Advanced Memory Formula, just like so many other men and women have been. But if you’re not satisfied for any reason (or none at all)… simply return your empty bottles within 90 days for a prompt and cheerful refund of every penny you paid, including any shipping & handling. You only pay return shipping. No questions asked, no hoops to jump through, and no hard feelings.

Advanced Memory Formula Guarantee

9 Ways We Guarantee the High Quality of Advanced Bionutritionals Supplements

I'm sure you've heard of vitamins, herbs, and other nutritional products that flunked lab tests. Here at Advanced Bionutritionals, we strive to make sure that NEVER happens.

In fact, our manufacturing process guarantees purity, potency, and quality in 9 different ways:

Known Suppliers and Growers

We use suppliers and growers that we've known for years.

Known Suppliers and Growers

We use ingredients that are shown to be effective in scientific studies.

Nothing Atrtificial Used

The batches of our ingredients are tested using FTIR spectrometers and compared to a purity index.

Nothing Atrtificial Used

Every supplier is qualified by testing multiple lots of material. The material is assayed for purity and screened for pathogens like mold, yeast, staph, and salmonella.

Best Quality

The batches of our ingredients are tested using FTIR spectrometers and compared to a purity index.

Best Quality

Our products are manufactured in a facility that is GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified.

Disintegration Tests

Batches of our product undergo rigorous disintegration tests in conformance with USP guidelines to ensure proper breakdown in the stomach and absorption in the intestines.

Disintegration Tests

Our manufacturing process has multiple checks in place, and our batches are signed off by a quality control officer to ensure accuracy, purity, and potency.

Safe Bottles

Our bottles are safety sealed for lasting freshness and potency. And each bottle is marked with a manufactured date and/or an expiration date.

Try Advanced Memory Formula At the Lowest Price

If you bought the 11 nutrients in Advanced Memory Formula separately, it would easily cost you $180+ a month. You’d also have the hassle of tracking down each nutrient. And, you’d have no guarantees about quality.

But when you take Advanced Memory Formula, you can rest easy knowing we use only the highest quality nutrients -- in real dosages that will make a real difference for you. Plus, it’s much easier for you to get these 11 brain-boosting nutrients in a single easy-to-swallow tablet, rather than having to mix and match them yourself. Or having to take 11 different pills!

And you’ll enjoy exclusive savings, too…

A 1-Month Advanced Memory Formula Starter Pack is $49.95. That’s about $1.33 a day – less than what you’d pay for a cup of coffee! And a small price to pay for the promise of a stronger memory and healthier brain.

But if you want to save even more, try the 3-Month Advanced Memory Formula Savings Pack for $134.85. You save $15.00 off the regular price plus you get FREE shipping and handling.

For the Biggest Savings and the Lowest Price Per Bottle, Try the 6-Month Pack…

If you’re serious about getting back your memory and maintaining it for life – and if you’d also like to save some serious money – then I invite you to try the 6 Month Best-Value Pack.

A 6-month supply of Advanced Memory Formula is just $249.00. This is by far the best value, because you save $50.70 off the regular price. Plus you get FREE shipping and handling.

And remember: you’re backed by a “Down-to-the-Last Pill” Money-Back Guarantee that says Advanced Memory Formula MUST work for you – or you don’t pay a penny for it! So you risk nothing when you order now.

I promise: Giving Advanced Memory Formula a fair try is the BEST decision you can make today – and you’ll be happy you did – GUARANTEED.

Yours for excellent health,

Doctor Frank Shallenberger Signature

Frank Shallenberger M.D.

P.S. A healthier brain is your ticket to exciting, stress-free golden years. It’s how you stay active and relevant now, and for years and decades to come. Let Advanced Memory Formula keep your brain healthy and vibrant so you can savor the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to earn. And remember: You’re protected by a 100% Satisfaction 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee so you risk nothing when you give Advanced Memory Formula a try today.

Advanced Memory FOrmula Bottle

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"I noticed a lot of good memories coming back to my mind."

- Tammy M., Advanced Memory Formula Customer

Advanced Memory Formula


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  • Money Back Guarantee Advanced Bionutritionals Guarantee

    Every purchase is protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, return it within 90 days for a full refund. You only pay return shipping.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’ve tried other memory-boosting supplements in the past, but I was disappointed. Why should I bother trying Advanced Memory Formula?

A: Most memory supplements target only two or three causes of memory problems. As a result, they often deliver meager results – or none at all. But Advanced Memory Formula contains 11 powerful, proven nutrients – in the correct forms and dosages – to address ALL the causes. So it can make a noticeable difference in your memory, brain health, and lifestyle.

Q: Is Advanced Memory Formula safe?

A: Yes! All the ingredients in Advanced Memory Formula have been tested in clinical studies by medical experts and found to be safe and effective. What’s more, we have tens of thousands of clients who have tried Advanced Memory Formula and we’ve never received reports of serious side effects.

I take Advanced Memory Formula daily. And I also recommend it to my family, friends, and patients.

Q: How can I know if Advanced Memory Formula will work for me?

A: Right now, Advanced Memory Formula is working for tens of thousands of men and women around the world. And I’m confident it will work for you, too. But the only way to know for sure, is by trying it yourself. The good news is, you can try it 100% RISK FREE.

If Advanced Memory Formula doesn’t exceed your expectations, if you’re not completely blown away by your results, simply return your bottles – even your empty bottles, within 90 days. And we’ll cheerfully refund every penny you paid, including shipping and handling.

That’s our “Down-to-the-Last Pill” Money-Back Guarantee. And it lets you order now with total confidence.

Q: How long before I feel Advanced Memory Formula working?

A: Many people will notice a stronger memory and more mental clarity within the first week of using Advanced Memory Formula as directed. For other people, it may take a bit longer. What I suggest is you try Advanced Memory Formula for at least 3 months. This will give your body and brain enough time to feel the full effects.

And remember, you’re protected by our “Down-to-the-Last Pill” Money-Back Guarantee. So you risk nothing when you try it today.

Q: How much Advanced Memory Formula do I need to take?

A: Two easy-to-swallow tablets a day is all you need.

Q: Where can I get Advanced Memory Formula?

A: Advanced Memory Formula is not available in stores. The only way to get it is through this special offer. Order above or call us at 1-800-791-3395. And we’ll rush your shipment right to your front door.

Advanced Memory Formula Reviews

1319 Reviews   |   3.9 Average Rating   |   78% Recommend This Supplement 

Delivers on it's promise! *
By Jay K. () - 5/15/2024
I started taking the Advanced Memory Formula about 2-3 weeks ago. I've already noticed that my use of words has improved and I feel mentally sharper. I hold a Masters in Business and have always thought of myself as fairly well spoken and usually level-headed. Work, client relations and staff supervision and conversation (even with my family), seem to be more clear, focused and precise.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Emily’ experience *
By Emily A. (CAPE CORAL, FL) - 5/1/2024
This bionutrituonal memory formula has been a blessing in my life I’ve used it for 4 years and it really keeps me focused and rarely searching for words as I was experiencing before use. A few times I tried to stop taking it and within three days I could tell the difference, luckily I always kept enough in stock to get back on it asap. It certainly works for me and I recommend anyone experiencing those “memory moments” to try this product and hope it works as well for you.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
My Experience  *
By Roger P. (Des Plaines, IL) - 4/29/2024
I have used your product for over 2 years. I tried another brand and did not find it helpful so I tried your product and was happy with the results. We can’t stop age but we can improve it and at 74 I am active in working still flying Airplanes and thinking problems out with good results. I have told some friends to try your product because of their concerns and it’s helped they in their concerns. Life is Great and I don’t want to change my life style in the near future….. Thanks for Helping….
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
It's working! *
By Joann M. () - 4/29/2024
I feel I'm now more on the ball after taking the Advanced Memory Formula for a couple of months. Less of "what the hell did I come in here for" and at 82 that's worth the price. I would recommend this product, just don't give up on it, it doesn't happen straight away.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
“Advanced Memory”…..For you!  *
By Robert W. (Lakeland, FL) - 4/20/2024
Get this product and use it….best of its type that I personally found.! You will be clearer and more focused and on top of your corner of the world!
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
It WORKS!! *
By Marilyn N. () - 4/18/2024
I have been using the Advanced Memory Formula for almost 2 years now. I do not trust the advertised products of Big Pharma, and found this product and it really works. I trust the doctor that created it, and felt secure in ordering it at a reasonable price. I have been very comfortable in recommended it to friends and family.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
* Above are actual reviews from our customers. These customer’s statements may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The reviews should not be taken as the results a typical user will get. Your results may vary.


  • Dr. Frank Shallenberger is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent a disease.


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  • 4. Brain Res Bull. 2015 Oct; 119(Pt A):1-11.
  • 5. J Nutr. 2010 Oct; 140(10): 1892–1898.
  • 6. J Neuroinflammation. 2010; 7, 3.
  • 7. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015; 8(6): 6740–6747.
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  • 9. Front Cell Neurosci. 2019; 13: 363.
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  • 21. Adv Ther. 2014 Dec; 31(12):1247-62.
  • 22. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Dec; 86(6):1738-44.
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  • 25. J Agric Food Chem. 2010; 58(7):3996-4000.
  • 26. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Nov; 9:362.
Advanced Bionutritionals® products are manufactured in the USA from globally sourced ingredients by Formulation Technology, Inc.

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